Bud’s Bulletin – July 2024

What We’ve Been Up To

Earlier this month,  three of our members and one member of our Mizzou YDSA affiliate completed the Missouri Jobs with Justice leadership training, where they learned invaluable skills and strategies for organizing campaigns. We’re excited for them to start applying what they’ve learned in our fight to raise the minimum wage, guarantee paid sick leave, and end the abortion ban this November!

Meanwhile, a few of our other members joined some of our comrades from Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club to help feed our unhoused neighbors at Loaves and Fishes.

At Break the Chains on June 15, we tabled alongside Missouri Jobs with Justice and talked to folks in our community about ways to get involved with organizing and building power for working people!

Just this past weekend, some of our members joined our St. Louis DSA comrades across the state in their weekly canvas to re-elect Cori Bush, where they were greeted by Representative Bush herself! Stay tuned for future opportunities to help the Bush campaign before the August 6 primary.

What We’ll Be Doing:

Our next general meeting will take place at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, July 2 at the Daniel Boone Regional Library. At this meeting, we will be electing our new steering committee to lead the chapter in the upcoming year, as well as new Electoral, Labor, and Recruitment chairs. All dues-paying DSA members are welcome! You can use this link to join us virtually.

Join us on Sunday, July 21 from 9 AM to 2 PM at Ashland City Park to celebrate Ashland Pride! We will be tabling to talk about what we are doing here in mid-Missouri to organize for a better world and how you can get involved.

In the coming weeks we will be launching our People’s Platform Campaign, where will be knocking doors and talking about voters about the initiatives on the November ballot to raise the minimum wage, provide paid sick leave, and create a constitutional right to reproductive freedom in Missouri. Be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities very soon!

This month, LiUNA Local 955 will be hosting two town halls for their members. The first on July 13 at 1 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia will be for MU workers to discuss concerns related to parking fees and good-faith bargaining and will feature several local state legislative candidates, including Kathy Steinhoff, Adrian Plank, John Potter, David Tyson Smith, Gregg Bush and Jeff Basinger. The second on July 21 at 2PM at a venue TBA will be for Columbia city workers to discuss wage compression and the underfunding of public transit and will feature several city council members. Pleasure come show your support for the workers we rely on to keep our community running!

The Columbia Ceasefire Coalition is holding weekly marches to demand that Columbia city officials call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Those interested in attending should meet at Speaker’s Circle before 2 PM every Saturday to join the march to city hall.

Congresswoman Cori Bush, a DSA member, is facing a primary challenge from St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell. Representative Bush has been a critical voice in Congress in support of a ceasefire in Gaza, the fight to ensure housing for every American, protecting and restoring reproductive and trans rights, and so much more. We encourage anyone who is able to consider financially supporting her campaign or signing up to canvas on July 13, 20, or 27 in St. Louis!

The Boone County Community Bail Fund has resumed bailouts! As a member of the National Bail Fund Network, the Bail Fund provides essential services to low-level offenders who would otherwise be held in jail simply because they cannot afford to post bail. The Bail Fund posts bails of up to $3,000 for qualified detainees and arranges reminders and rides to help them appear at subsequent court dates. You can support them by making a one time or recurring donation or by contacting them at comobailfund@gmail.com to volunteer to answer phones, provide rides, help with fundraising, or otherwise get involved!

CoMo Mobile Aid Collective provides direct aid and immediate assistance to unsheltered friends here in Columbia. Their street teams proudly serve 200+ meals every week throughout the year, their mobile medical clinic of qualified nurses, EMTs, and medical students have a variety of assistance available, and they partner with Unchained Melodies Dog Rescue to ensure beloved pets have access to food, flea and tick treatment, first aid, vet appointments as needed, and lots of treats.

You can support their efforts by making a one-time donationbecoming a monthly donorbuying a shirt, or signing up to volunteer!

Have you been mistreated by your employer or landlord? Contact the Columbia Solidarity Network to see if they can help! Call or text (573) 246-0646 or email columbiasolidarity@gmail.com.

For over three months, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks has been holding daily peace vigils in support of the people of Gaza from 12:15-12:45 PM by the Keyhole sculpture outside City Hall. All are welcome to join any day you can!

What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To:

Follow us: FacebookInstagram|Twitter

Get involved: Interest Form | Email List Signup

Contact us: midmodsa.orgmidmodsa@gmail.com| (573) 319-1381‬

Not a dues-paying member? Join DSA today!

Bud’s Bulletin – June 2024

What We’ve Been Up To

On Sunday, May 19, we hosted Organize CoMo, where we shared some great food and heard presentations from Mid-MO DSA, Missouri Jobs with Justice, CoMo Mobile Aid Collective, The Boone County Community Bail Fund, Sierra Club Mid-Missouri Group, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks, Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation, The John Brown Gun Club, Columbia IWW, Columbia

Solidarity Network, Abortion Help MO, Columbia Area NOW, and CoMo For Progress about how to get more involved in our community! Read about it here

This past weekend, we started knocking doors for The Neighborhood Pledge to get ready for the Ward 1 City Council election. Since 2018, Mid-MO DSA has partnered with other Missouri Jobs with Justice member organizations to campaign around the Pledge, which asks candidates to commit to three things: 1) protecting and expanding affordable housing, 2) investing in and strengthening our public infrastructure, and 3) addressing structural inequality. We have done this by knocking doors and talking to members of our community about the Pledge and giving candidates an opportunity to sign on–usually after holding a town hall where voters have the opportunity to ask them questions about where they stand on issues related to these three planks.

As of right now, two of the five sitting City Council members and Mayor Buffaloe are Neighborhood Pledge signatories, and we are working to make sure the new representative for Ward 1 joins that list! If you would like to help us with this campaign, please email us at midmodsa@gmail.com.

Unfortunately, due to inclement weather, May 13’s Ride United event was postponed. Be on the lookout for a new date in the near future!

On Wednesday May 22nd we attended Sierra Club Mid-Mo Group’s charity fundraiser at Cafe Berlin. The “DSA Buds” won the night, and donated our winnings to the Sierra Club fundraiser! We are always happy to contribute to any event, action, or fundraising opportunity for our comrades in the community!

What We’ll Be Doing:

Our next general meeting will take place at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, June 4 at the Daniel Boone Regional Library.

All dues-paying DSA members are welcome! You can view the meeting agenda here and use this link to join us virtually.Want to learn more about DSA, what we’ve done around the country, and what we’re doing here in mid-Missouri? Already pay dues and want to meet other local members or find ways to get involved? Been a member in the past and want to get reengaged? Just think Bernie and AOC are cool and want to talk with some likeminded people? Come grab a coffee and chat with some of our members at our next Office Hours event on SundayJune 16 at 2 PM at Shortwave on 9thRSVP here

The Columbia Ceasefire Coalition is holding weekly marches to demand that Columbia city officials call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Those interested in attending should meet at Speaker’s Circle before 2 PM every Saturday to join the march to city hall.

Congresswoman Cori Bush, a DSA member, is facing a primary challenge from St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell. Representative Bush has been a critical voice in Congress in support of a ceasefire in Gaza, the fight to ensure housing for every American, protecting and restoring reproductive and trans rights, and so much more. We encourage anyone who is able to consider financially supporting her campaign or signing up to canvas on June 81522, or 29 in St. Louis!

The Boone County Community Bail Fund has resumed bailouts! As a member of the National Bail Fund Network, the Bail Fund provides essential services to low-level offenders who would otherwise be held in jail simply because they cannot afford to post bail. The Bail Fund posts bails of up to $3,000 for qualified detainees and arranges reminders and rides to help them appear at subsequent court dates. You can support them by making a one time or recurring donation or by contacting them at comobailfund@gmail.com to volunteer to answer phones, provide rides, help with fundraising, or otherwise get involved!

CoMo Mobile Aid Collective provides direct aid and immediate assistance to unsheltered friends here in Columbia. Their street teams proudly serve 200+ meals every week throughout the year, their mobile medical clinic of qualified nurses, EMTs, and medical students have a variety of assistance available, and they partner with Unchained Melodies Dog Rescue to ensure beloved pets have access to food, flea and tick treatment, first aid, vet appointments as needed, and lots of treats.

You can support their efforts by making a one-time donationbecoming a monthly donorbuying a shirt, or signing up to volunteer!

Have you been mistreated by your employer or landlord? Contact the Columbia Solidarity Network to see if they can help! Call or text (573) 246-0646 or email columbiasolidarity@gmail.com.

For over three months, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks has been holding daily peace vigils in support of the people of Gaza from 12:15-12:45 PM by the Keyhole sculpture outside City Hall. All are welcome to join any day you can!

The Missouri Supreme Court set an execution for David Hosier of June 11, 2024. Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty (MADP) has created a clemency petition to send to Governor Parson. Please sign and share! You can also contact the Governor directly by calling (573) 751-3222 or writing here. And join MADP and Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Recreation for their Vigil for Life on Tuesday, June 11 from 12-1 PM in the State Capitol and from 5-6 PM in front of the columns by the Boone County Courthouse.

What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To:

Follow us: FacebookInstagram|Twitter

Get involved: Interest Form | Email List Signup

Contact us: midmodsa.orgmidmodsa@gmail.com| (573) 319-1381‬

Not a dues-paying member? Join DSA today!



The central idea at the heart of progressive organizing is simple: Solidarity. As working people fighting for our collective liberation, all of our fights are linked. “None of us are free until all of us are free.”

There are many different groups working right now to build a community that works for all of us, not just a monied few. Today, many of us came together in Cosmo-Bethel Park to celebrate the work that we have done together in Columbia and across Missouri over the last year, and to coordinate how to best support and lift each other up in the months and years ahead.

While we shared a potluck picnic together, the following organizations spoke about their vital work in the community. In this newsletter, you can learn more about each, and find a directory on how to get in touch with each of them to help support their work.

Mid-Missouri Democratic Socialists of America (that’s us!) is the local chapter of the largest and friendliest socialist organization in the United States, the DSA. We organize for economic democracy in Columbia, Jefferson City, and central Missouri. Join us!

Missouri Jobs with Justice is an organization that fights for economic justice in Missouri. Their mission is to create a state where everyone has the opportunity for economic security and a safe, healthy life. They achieve this by building power through action and strong relationships.

John Brown Gun Club are a community defense organization based in Columbia, Missouri, rooted in direct action and mutual aid.

Como Mobile Aid Collective provide direct aid and immediate assistance to our unsheltered friends in Columbia.

Fellowship of Reconciliation is a group composed of people from many faiths, and no particular faith — all coming together to support nonviolence and justice. Offering people of conscience an action response to a morally-impaired U.S. foreign policy. Join their Vigil for Life, Tuesday June 11th from 1-2 PM in the State Capitol to oppose the execution of David Hosier. Join their weekly Ceasefire March every Saturday at 2pm at Speaker’s Circle. ​

Abortion Help MO provide public education and support for people needing reproductive health services, primarily by providing financial assistance for Missouri residents who cannot afford the full cost of abortion care.

The IWW (International Workers of the World) is a labor union that promotes the creation of “One Big Union” and contends that all workers should be united as a social class to supplant capitalism and wage labor with industrial democracy. The local chapter carries out this work here in Mid-Missouri. They meet every third Wednesday of the month, 6pm, at the cafe of the EatWell grocery store on Providence near downtown.

Columbia Solidarity Network is a project of the local IWW chapter that offers help to people in the community who have been mistreated at work or by a landlord. If you have been the victim of wage theft, stolen security deposits, or other issues, please reach out for advice and support!

  • Email: columbiasolidarity@gmail.com
  • Phone: 573-246-0646

Boone County Community Bail Fund is a volunteer-run community bail fund supporting our neighbors who have been injured by the criminal legal system in Boone County, Missouri.

  • Website: https://www.boonecountycommunitybailfund.org/
  • Email: comobailfund@gmail.com
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BailFund/

Sierra Club Mid-Missouri Group seeks to create and foster an inclusive organizational and workplace culture – a culture that grows, nurtures and retains diverse, engaged teams of staff and volunteers.  

Como For Progress are an advocacy group affecting policy that bolsters freedom, equality, and humanity to better serve our local, national and global communities through outreach and action. We are stronger together as we strive for inclusive and welcoming communities.

Peaceworks holds a vision of an ecologically sound, sustainable world and a violence-free community in which human equality and justice flourish. We aspire to create a participatory, cooperative social order in which all individuals can fully actualize their potential free of coercion or violence.

National Organization for Women is dedicated to its multi-issue and multi-strategy approach to women’s rights, and is the largest organization of feminist grassroots activists in the United States.

The Disabilities Commission of the City of Columbia advises the City Council as necessary and reviews or monitors accessibility of public and private facilities and educates the business community, civic groups and the public as to the concerns of residents with disabilities. Please submit nominations to their Senator Chuck Graham Memorial Disability and Advocacy Ambassador Award before the June deadline!  

Mizzou YDSA ​is a big tent student organization open to leftists of all kinds at the University of Missouri with a history of educating and organizing students, workers, young people, and members of the community at large to make real and effective changes in our community.​ 

Thank you to all the amazing organizations that joined us today to celebrate the movement for progress in Columbia and beyond. Solidarity Forever! 

May 2024 General Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting held 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM 05/05/2024 at Daniel Boone Regional Library.

Working Group Reports

  1. Recruitment and Retention
    • Drop Ins are now “Office Hours”: These meetings are a chance for new and potential members to have a less intimidating introduction to the chapter. They will now give us a chance to work on projects or bring up new ideas for things for us to work on. We are now doing them every third Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM at Shortwave on 9th.
    • Earth Day Recap: 25 signatures for the Neighborhood Pledge. Connected with several organizations. Moms Demand Action is interested in knocking doors for the Cori Bush campaign
    • Email list management: Suggestion to keep two email lists. One for active members and one for general interest.
    • Organize CoMo Event. May 19th, 12:00 PM, Ficklin Shelter at Cosmo Bethel Park. Attendees to include: Jobs with Justice, Local Motion, Bail Fund, Friends of John Brown, Sierra Club, CoMo for Progress, DBRLWU.
    • Juneteenth Participation? Potential tabling opportunity at Cosmo Bethel Park on the 19th. Would split the table with Missouri JwJ.
    • Ashland Pride on 7/21? Vendor signup link no longer active. We have received requests to attend.
  2. Labor
    • LIUNA negotiations with City and MU: Had an action last night to seek binding arbitration. Upcoming action will be coordinated next Thursday.
    • Efforts to unionize the Rose Brooks Domestic Violence Shelter in Kansas City have been met with union busting efforts by management. Members of MidMo DSA have spoken out publicly about the misinformation being spread by management.
    • Union contract negotiations have begun at High Profile Dispensary. Management’s lawyers did not show up for the first round of negotiation.
  3. Electoral
    • MidMo DSA/Mizzou YDSA Members gathered over 7,000 signatures for the Healthy Families ballot initiative, which seeks to put a 15 minimum wage and guaranteed paid sick leave on the ballot in November. The campaign turned in 210,000 signatures on Wednesday. MidMo DSA members gathered over 300 signatures in just one month for the Reproductive Rights campaign to restore the right to an abortion in Missouri. Mizzou YDSA gathered nearly 300 as well. On Friday, the campaign turned in over 380,000 signatures to the Secretary of State.
    • Canvassing for the Neighborhood Pledge campaign in Columbia’s First Ward election begins May 25th. We will discuss elements of the Pledge and our script for the doors in a meeting on Tuesday, 5/14 at 1PM.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Largest ever dues share, as well as our resources from our solidarity drive with the Reproductive Rights campaign gives us far more resources to work with in the next year.
  • Chapter Vote to use $900 send 3 members (2 MidMO DSA, 1 Mizzou YDSA) to the Jobs with Justice Leadership Training: Unanimous Approval.

Website/Social Media Discussion

  • Discussed need to prioritize website and email content, including newsletter and posts of General Meeting Agenda/Minutes. Considering a potential website redesign, need someone to lead a team.
  • Discussed minimizing presence on Twitter, using only as a mirror to link website/email posts. Website/email posts should also be mirrored on other social medias (instagram, facebook).
  • Discussed future video content, and trainings through Vidwest.

Member Reports

  1. Disability Commission: Annual Senator Chuck Graham award coming up. For anyone who has done work for inclusion and accessibility in the field of disability. Seeking nominations!
  2. Unhoused advocacy coalition: Potential coalition lead by Calvary Epicopal. Downtown churches coordinating around unhoused issues. Advocating for Housing First solutions.
  3. Board and Commission vacancies: Working to build an organization to advocate for LGBTQ issues locally. Trying to increase representation on boards and commissions. Columbia Disability Commission was the only board or commission to publicly endorse the LGBTQ Sanctuary City Ordinance authored by Mizzou YDSA, due to lobbying by a MidMO DSA member serving on the commission. Members are encouraged to apply for board and commission seats.
  4. Ride United, A Public Transit Event: May 13th, 5pm-7pm, Wabash bus station. Voice what your dream transit system looks like!
  5. Bail fund event: National Bail Fund network is doing short trainings on abolition-minded reforms. Bail Fund will present on these issues in the fall.
  6. Mizzou YDSA: Wrapping up their year, have elected new Steering Committee. Reminder of their huge victory in successfully authoring Columbia’s LGBTQ Sanctuary City ordinance. Committed to an action with Mizzou Students for Justice in Palestine everyday this week in Speaker’s Circle from 12-2pm: Liberated Zone. Encouraging students to vote in Columbia in Ward 1 elections and in November General Election.
  7. July is our bi-yearly convention. Amendments to chapter bylaws must be submitted by June. Resolutions can wait until the convention.
  8. Chapter Liaison to the national DSA Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy Commission is seeking assistance and chapter recommendations. 


Bud’s Bulletin May 2024 – Find out what we’ve been up to, what we’ll be doing, and what we’ve been reading, watching, and listening to

What We’ve Been Up To

On April 21, we took part in the Columbia Earth Day Festival, where we spoke many members of our community about what DSA is doing here and around the country to build a better world, including the fight for a Green New Deal. While there, we also directed volunteer efforts to collect signatures to collect signatures for the Missourians for Constitutional Freedom initiative petition campaign to adopt a constitutional amendment to restore the right to abortion in Missouri and raised money for the Missouri Abortion Fund.

On April 29, Mizzou YDSA co-hosted an emergency protest and walkout alongside six other student organizations to stand in solidarity with people the people of Gaza enduring an ongoing genocide, as well as other student protestors across the country who have been brutalized by police and arrested on their university campuses in the last week. Protesters called for the University of Missouri System to disclose and divest their endowments from Israeli enterprises. Mizzou YDSA co-chair Ian De Smet, pictured below, spoke during the protest, explaining, “Those bombs dropping on Gaza, they have the seal of the United States government, and we, as citizens, have the responsibility and the power to stand up.”

On May Day, May 1, several of our members traveled to Jefferson City to help turn in over 210,000 signatures for a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage to $15 and allow Missouri workers to earn paid sick leave. Mid-MO DSA and Mizzou YDSA combined to gather more than 5,000 of those signatures. At the turn-in event, Mid-MO DSA member Alejandro Gallardo, pictured below, spoke about what passing this initiative will mean for the 500,000 Missouri workers currently making less than $15 an hour and the nearly 750,000 Missouri workers without paid sick leave.

On May 3, several of our members returned to Jefferson City to help turn in over 380,000 signatures for the ballot initiative for a constitutional amendment to restore the right to abortion in Missouri. Mid-MO DSA and Mizzou YDSA both met their goals of each gathering over 300 signatures in just the past few weeks, joining Missourians from every corner of this state in this fight.

What We’ll Be Doing:

Our next general meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7 at the Daniel Boone Regional Library.

All DSA dues-paying members are welcome! You can view the meeting agenda here and use this link to join us virtually.

Want to learn more about DSA, what we’ve done around the country, and what we’re doing here in mid-Missouri? Already pay dues and want to meet other local members or find ways to get involved? Been a member in the past and want to get reengaged? Just think Bernie and AOC are cool and want to talk with some likeminded people? Come grab a coffee and chat with some of our members at our next Office Hours event on Sunday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m. at Shortwave on 9th.

The Columbia Ceasefire Coalition is holding weekly marches to demand that Columbia city officials call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Those interested in attending should meet at Speaker’s Circle before 2:00 p.m. every Saturday to join the march to city hall.

Join us on Monday, May 13 for Ride United: A Public Transit Event. Come by the Fretboard Courtyard from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for an empowering public transportation rally advocating for a robust and accessible transportation system!

Hear inspiring guest speakers share their insights on the importance of inclusive transit, and learn how you can contribute to building a better-connected community. Enjoy snacks while networking with like-minded individuals and connecting with partner organizations dedicated to enhancing public transportation. Together, let’s amplify our voices for equitable and efficient transit options that benefit us all!

On Sunday, May 19, we will be hosting Organize CoMo–an event to bring together local progressive organizations to meet one another and learn about each other’s organizations and what we can all do to support them. Each organization in attendance will be given a brief opportunity to give a brief pitch about what their organization does and how people can support it. Once the list of attending organizations is finalized, we will be sending around a link for other members of the public who are interested in attending to RSVP.

Congresswoman Cori Bush, a DSA member, is facing a primary challenge from St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell. Endorsed by both the DSA National Electoral Commission and by St. Louis DSA, Representative Bush has been a critical voice in Congress in support of a ceasefire in Gaza, the fight to ensure housing for every American, protecting and restoring reproductive and trans rights, and so much more. We encourage anyone who can to consider financially supporting her re-election campaign.

The Boone County Community Bail Fund has resumed bailouts! As a member of the National Bail Fund Network, the Bail Fund provides essential services to low-level offenders who would otherwise be held in jail simply because they cannot afford to post bail. The Bail Fund posts bails of up to $3,000 for qualified detainees and arranges reminders and rides to help them appear at subsequent court dates. You can support them by donating or by contacting them at comobailfund@gmail.com to volunteer.

CoMo Mobile Aid Collective provides direct aid and immediate assistance to unsheltered friends here in Columbia. You can support their efforts by becoming a monthly donor!

For over two months, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks has been holding daily peace vigils in support of the people of Gaza from 12:15-12:45 p.m. by the Keyhole sculpture outside City Hall. All are welcome to join any day you can!

The Missouri Supreme Court set an execution for David Hosier of June 11, 2024. Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty has created a clemency petition to send to Governor Parson. Please sign and share!

What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To:

Missouri House sends initiative petition bill back to Senate with ‘ballot candy’ reinstated

Bill ending Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood heads to Missouri governor

Missouri House narrowly sends private-school tax credit, charter expansion to governor’s desk

Bayer lobbying lawmakers in 3 states, including Missouri, to shield it from Roundup lawsuits

Missouri Senate advances KC weapons facility tax break without aid for nuclear waste victims

Millions were booted from Medicaid. Insurers than run it gained Medicaid revenue anyway

Missouri prison agency to pay $60k for Sunshine Law violations over inmate death records

Instead of complaints, Bailey’s trans tip line flooded with pro-trans support

Delays in state subsidy payments force Boone County preschool to close

Faculty, students denounce Washington University response to protests of war in Gaza

SIUE Professor Hospitalized After Arrest at Wash U

Union drive at St. Louis cannabis company could have major impact on national labor law

In Relay Race to Organize the South, Volkswagen Workers Pass the Baton to Mercedes Workers

Can Grocery Workers Take Back Their Union?

Two Years In, These “Progressive” Companies Still Haven’t Negotiated First Union Contracts

Lessons from Starbucks Workers United and the Fight for $15

A 32-Hour Workweek is Ours for the Taking

Shawn Fain: May Day 2028 Could Transform the Labor Movement — and the World

Lawsuit: Alabama Is Denying Prisoners Parole to Lease Their Labor to Meatpackers, McDonalds

The Small-Business Tyrant Has a Favorite Political Party

The Bulldozer Kept Coming”: A Girl Stares Down Death in Gaza

The “Uncommitted” Movement is Hugely Popular

Isra Hirsi On the Resilience of Columbia University’s Pro-Palestinian Protests

Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

The pro-Palestinian US campus protests in maps, videos and photos

How Labor Can Aid the Student Movement for Palestine

Rutgers and University of Minnesota reach resolutions with Gaza protestors

Five Lessons for Palestine Activists From the ’60s Student Left

The War on Protest

Will New York’s Big Socialist Climate Policy Be Led by … McKinsey?

Free Download of Shawn Fain’s ‘Other Bible,’ A Troublemaker’s Handbook

Two free ebooks available from Pluto Press today: The University and Social Justice: Struggles Across the Globe and The Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Basic Introduction

To Celebrate May Day, $1 [Jacobin] Subscriptions All Week

From The Dig: Scholars Against Genocide
From Democracy Now!: I Could Not Stay Silent: Annelle Sheline Resigns from State Dept. over U.S. Gaza Policy
Six recorded sessions from the Labor Notes 2024 conference: Rebuilding a Fighting UAWFriday Night Main Session; Saturday Morning Main Session; Organizing the South; Black Labor Struggles over TimeSunday Main Session

Next general meeting: Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 p.m. at Daniel Boone Regional LibraryNext office hours: Sunday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m. at Shortwave Coffee on 9th St.Follow us:FacebookInstagram|TwitterGet involved:Interest Form | Email List SignupContact us:midmodsa.orgmidmodsa@gmail.com| (573) 319-1381‬Not a dues-paying member? Join DSA today!