Mid-Mo DSA supports the Neighborhood Pledge, a policy agenda created by labor and neighborhood organizations in Columbia. Mid-Mo DSA and its partner organizations have gone door-to-door to inform them about the pledge and ask them to call on their elected officials to sign on. To get involved, sign the pledge here and indicate an interest in canvassing when filling out our interest form.

The Neighborhood Pledge


● Work to preserve and expand affordable housing: rental and owner-occupied.
● Work to enhance the Columbia Community Land Trust’s efforts to build low-income
● Enhance services and outreach to assist low-income homeowner property maintenance.
● Prioritize historic neighborhoods in growth and development.
● Explore diverse housing opportunities: incentivize low-income affordable rental housing.
● Strengthen tenant protections.
● Promote equitable code enforcement.


● Address urgent stormwater and sanitary s​ewer problems with targeted repair & maintenance.
● Strengthen stormwater code enforcement.
● Maintain and improve roads and sidewalks.
● Address inadequacies and inequity in public transit.
● Encourage planting and maintenance of street trees to lower the urban island effect.
● The candidate, if elected, pledges to vote against any proposals to privatize city
infrastructure. The candidate, if elected, will work to protect public ownership of
● The candidate must commit to pursuing equitable annexation and development: ensuring that
new developments are not prioritized over working-class/underserved neighborhoods
● Invest in streets and sidewalks that are safe and accessible for all users, people walking,
biking,​ ​ taking the bus, and driving.


● TIF-funded, tax abatement-funded and bond-funded (tax-incentivized or
● taxpayer-supported) projects must pay prevailing wage and prioritize local
responsible contractors.
● Targeted resource investment in working-class neighborhoods.
● The candidate should work with community partners to address community
● Encourage collaboration between the city and higher education institutions.
● Explore PILOTs and other financial partnerships to support the community at large.
● Expand resources for minority & women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
● Expand resources and access to resources for workers in Columbia: prioritizing
marginalized communities.
● The candidate must commit to looking at policy decisions through an anti-racist lens.
● The candidate must commit to prioritizing protecting and expanding public services: including
but not limited to, public transit, solid waste, public health, etc.
● The candidate must commit to pursuing equitable solutions for the unsheltered community
in Columbia.